Understanding the Interaction of Potassium Salts with an Ilmenite Oxygen Carrier Under Dry and Wet Conditions
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ACS Omega
This work was financed by Nordic Flagship Project no. 77732 "negative CO, emissions in the Nordic energy system" (2015- 2019), funded by the Nordic Energy Research as well as VR, Swedish Research Council (2015-04371), The Swedish Energy Agency (43220-1). Thanks to Peter Backman, Linus Silvander, and Jaana Paananen for help with the experimental work.
Kitob o'qish uchun hisobingizga kiring.
KirishThis work was financed by Nordic Flagship Project no. 77732 "negative CO, emissions in the Nordic energy system" (2015- 2019), funded by the Nordic Energy Research as well as VR, Swedish Research Council (2015-04371), The Swedish Energy Agency (43220-1). Thanks to Peter Backman, Linus Silvander, and Jaana Paananen for help with the experimental work.
Ushbu elektron kitob uchun sharhlar mavjud emas.
Ushbu elektron kitob uchun hech qanday izoh yo'q.
Fikr qoldirish uchun tizimga kirishingiz kerak.