Theory of Machines and Mechanisms

(0 Foydalanuvchi sharhlari)   277
Tomonidan Baxromjon Parpiyev E'lon qilingan Oct 14, 2023
Kategoriyada - UTF kafedrasi
John J. Uicker, Jr. Gordon R. Pennock Joseph E. Shigley (new) New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2016
Much of the new knowledge in the theory of machines and mechanisms currently exists in a large variety of technical journals and manuscripts, each couched in its own singular language and nomenclature and each requiring additional background for clear comprehension. It is possible that the individual published contributions could be used to strengthen engineering courses if the necessary foundation was provided and a common notation and nomenclature was established. These new developments could then be integrated into existing courses to provide a logical, modern, and comprehensive whole. The purpose of this book is to provide the background that will allow such an integration.

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The tremendous growth of scientific knowledge over the past 50 years has resulted
in an intense pressure on the engineering curricula of many universities to substitute
“modern” subjects in place of subjects perceived as weaker or outdated. The result
is that, for some, the kinematics and dynamics of machines has remained a critical
component of the curriculum and a requirement for all mechanical engineering students,
while at others, a course on these subjects is only made available as an elective topic for
specialized study by a small number of engineering students. Some schools, depending
largely on the faculty, require a greater emphasis on mechanical design at the expense
of depth of knowledge in analytical techniques. Rapid advances in technology, however,
have produced a need for a textbook that satisfies the requirement of new and changing
course structures.

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