Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics,  Cengage Learning

(0 Foydalanuvchi sharhlari)   286
Tomonidan Baxromjon Parpiyev E'lon qilingan Oct 24, 2023
Kategoriyada - Fizika
Raymond A. Serway John W. Jewett, Jr Medge Owen 2013
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Kitob o'qish uchun hisobingizga kiring.


Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics, Ninth Edition
Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr.
Publisher, Physical Sciences: Mary Finch
Publisher, Physics and Astronomy:
Charlie Hartford
Development Editor: Ed Dodd
Assistant Editor: Brandi Kirksey
Editorial Assistant: Brendan Killion
Media Editor: Rebecca Berardy Schwartz
Brand Manager: Nicole Hamm
Marketing Communications Manager: Linda Yip
Senior Marketing Development Manager:
Tom Ziolkowski
Content Project Manager: Alison Eigel Zade
Senior Art Director: Cate Barr
Manufacturing Planner: Sandee Milewski
Rights Acquisition Specialist:
Shalice Shah-Caldwell
Production Service: Lachina Publishing Services
Text and Cover Designer: Roy Neuhaus
Cover Image: The new Kings Cross railway
station, London, UK
Cover Image Credit: © Ashley Cooper/Corbis
Compositor: Lachina Publishing Services

Printed in the United States of America
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 15 14 13 12

We dedicate this book to our wives,
Elizabeth and Lisa, and all our children and
grandchildren for their loving understanding
when we spent time on writing
instead of being with them.

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