Fundamentals of Ecology FIFTH EDITION
Kitob o'qish uchun hisobingizga kiring.
KirishThe word ecologi is derived from rhe Greek oihos, meaning "household," and logos,
meaning "study." Thus, the study of the environmental house includes all the organ-
isms in it and all the functional processes that make the house habitable. Literally,
then, ecology is the study o[ "life at home" with emphasis on "the totality or pat-
tern of relations between organisms and their environment," to cite a standard dic-
tionary definition of the word (Merriam -Webster's Collegiate Dictionory, 1Oth edition,
s.v. "ecology").
The word economics is also derived from the Greek root oikos. As nom[s means
"management," economics translates as "the management of the household" and, ac-
cordingly, ecology and economics should be companion disciplines. Unfortunately,
many people view ecologists and economists as advercaries with antithetical visions.