Fundamentals of Ecology FIFTH EDITION

(0 Foydalanuvchi sharhlari)   160
Tomonidan Baxromjon Parpiyev E'lon qilingan Oct 24, 2023
Kategoriyada - Mehnat muhofazasi va ekologiya
Eugene P. Odum, Gary W. Barrett, THOMSON 2017
Table 1-1 attempts to illustrate perceived differences between economics and ecol- ogy. l-ater, this book will consider the confrontation that resuhs b€cause each disci- pline takes a narrow view of its subject and, more important, the rapid development of a new interface discipline, ecoiogical economics, that is begnmng to bridge the gap between ecology and economics (Costanza, Cumberland, et al. I997; Barrett and Fa- rina 2000; L. R. Brown 2001).

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The word ecologi is derived from rhe Greek oihos, meaning "household," and logos,

meaning "study." Thus, the study of the environmental house includes all the organ-
isms in it and all the functional processes that make the house habitable. Literally,

then, ecology is the study o[ "life at home" with emphasis on "the totality or pat-
tern of relations between organisms and their environment," to cite a standard dic-
tionary definition of the word (Merriam -Webster's Collegiate Dictionory, 1Oth edition,

s.v. "ecology").
The word economics is also derived from the Greek root oikos. As nom[s means

"management," economics translates as "the management of the household" and, ac-
cordingly, ecology and economics should be companion disciplines. Unfortunately,

many people view ecologists and economists as advercaries with antithetical visions.


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