Basic mathematics for economics business and finance

(0 Foydalanuvchi sharhlari)   253   152
Tomonidan Baxromjon Parpiyev E'lon qilingan Oct 10, 2023
Kategoriyada - Oliy matematika
Ummer E.K USA and Canada : Routlege 2012
This book can help overcome the widely observed math-phobia and math-aversion among undergraduate students in economics, business, and finance. The book can also help them understand why they have to learn different mathematical techniques, how these techniques can be applied, and how the techniques will equip the students in their further studies.

Kitob o'qish uchun hisobingizga kiring.


This book can help overcome the widely observed math-phobia and math-aversion among
undergraduate students in economics, business, and finance. The book can also help them
understand why they have to learn different mathematical techniques, how these techniques
can be applied, and how the techniques will equip the students in their further studies.

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0 5 dan (0 Foydalanuvchi sharhlari )

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